Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Bunga Raya...

The national flower of Malaysia is the five-petal Bunga Raya, or commonly known as hibiscus (bunga in Malay means grand and raya means flower). The Bunga Raya can be found in abundance throughout Malaysia, and in 1960 was chosen as the national flower by Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia's first Prime Minister. Symbolically, Bunga Raya's red color represents courage, and the each of the five petals of the Bunga Raya represents the Five Principles of Nationhood of Malaysia. This information is extracted from

These 2 photoshots above were shot by me, using the Nikon D80, armed with the Prime 50mm lens. My fellow camera Khaki, Oon Thong (also known as OOI) uses the Canon and this was how he snapped his shot.

This stance is called ... "SQUAT".

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