I have always been fascinated by the ants. There is a saying in the Malay language "RAJIN SEBAGAI SEMUT" or translated into English means, "AS HARDWORKING AS ANTS". Indeed, when you look at the colony of ants, you will see how cooperative and harworking they are. They are a model of TEAMWORK. Humans have to learn this from the ants.

The Wikipedia explains that ants are social insects of the family Formicidae and, along with the related families of wasps and bees, belong to the order Hymenoprera. Today, more than 12,000 species are classified with upper estimates of about 14,000 species. Ants form colonies that range in size from a few tens of predatory individuals living in small natural cavities to highly organised colonies which may occupy large territories and consist of millions of individuals that are mostly sterile females forming castes of "workers", "soldiers", or other specialised groups. Ant colonies also have some fertile males called "drones" and one or more fertile females called Queens. The colonies are sometimes described as superorganism because ants appear to operate as a unified entity, collectively working together to support the colony.

This ANTZ collection photos were taken as an animal enthusiast pointed out the colony to me as I was passing by.

United we stand!

Going home...
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