I am back to Italy again, and this time to Rome and only to Rome. Unlike my previous trips to Italy where I spent a lot of time moving from one city to another city in Italy. Rome or also known as Roma in Italian, is a great city very rich with great history, and is probably the greatest place in the world for photo shooting. Arriving Rome at 7am while the hotel check in time was at 2pm, the morning was filled with photo shooting fun.

This is ARCO DE COSTANTINO near the COLOSSEO. You can see me at the foreground, and behind me is the Arco De Costantino and next to it is Colosseo.

A pose at the Colosseo. Inside the Colosseo... it really felt like going back in time.
This is a pose at the entrance to PALATINO.
There is a saying... in life, we have to stop by to smell the roses. I did just that. This is in the garden of Hotel Sanpio. Beautiful!
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