Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Chingay 2008
Armed with my camera, and standing at this spot (Chulia Street) I eagerly awaited the arrival of the Chingay parade.
The police did well in managing the crowd and traffic.
This is my first experience photographing our Malaysian Police. Feels like a CSI photographer huh (",)
Happy New Year 2009 (",)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Final Ramblings in Rome

Mc Donald's poster in Rome. This poster was posted on the window of Mc Donald's near the Spanish Steps... but where is the golden M logo?
This window display caught the attention of my camera. This is not the display window of a pet shop though...
Hope you liked my Roma Arrivo gallery. FINITO.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Flora & Fiona @ Rome...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Scalinata della Trinita dei Monti...

The Scalinata is the longest and widest staircase in all Europe.
This is the fountain at the foot of the stairs...
The monumental stairway of 138 steps was built with French diplomat Étienne Gueffier’s bequeathed funds of 20,000 scudi, in 1723–1725, linking the Bourbon Spanish Embassy to the Holy See, today still located in Palazzo Monaldeschi in the piazza below, with the Trinità dei Monti above.

Snapping this photo below was a very proud moment... and the reward - the view is simply breathtaking.
Is this a Spanish horse in Rome?
Moving from Spanish Steps, I walked into the Fashion Street - Via Dei Condotti, and turned back to catch a last look of the magnificent steps...
Mvsei Vaticani @ Rome
Monday, November 17, 2008
Pope Benedict XVI @ St Peter's Basilica